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Wednesday 28 March 2007


Been a bit poorly lately and am only just starting to catch up with things. However been very busy today.

Have just finished a batch of soap - grapefruit and lime. This is a new mix for me so I'm not certain that I've got the ratio of essential oils right. Still give it a few weeks and i can try one and see!

I'm also getting started on the etsy UK ninja challenge. Deadline is sunday, so hopefully i'll get finished in plenty of time. Entries can be viewed here and I think the final vote will be taken that evening.

Tonight I'm also hoping to finish off a few bits and pieces and also flip through to the etsy Uk myspace blog. I've sadly ignored that for the last week. Hopefully it has been standing up well by itself!

Oh yes - why smarties? Because I got white smarties in the packet today!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Smarties in the U.S. are small, round, pastel-colored tart candies. Strange how they have the same name.